One of the most outstanding leaders in my lifetime was both a hero in life, and someone whose legacy will positively influence the world forever! Sadly Murray Lynn, an outstanding human being, leader, and
world influencer died Sunday in Atlanta after a brief illness. His wife, Sonia,
their three adult children and grandchildren survive him.
Murray is a true hero in every sense. As a young boy, Murray
was born as Moshe Leicht, to Rosa and Abraham Leicht, in Bilke, Hungary.
Tragically in 1942, Murray's dad was killed by the Arrow Cross fascists, Hungarian
counterparts to German Nazis. In April of 1944, the deportation of over 800,000
of Hungary's Jews began, when the Arrow Cross forced families from their homes
to the train station. After spending a few days in a ghetto, Murray, his three
brothers, and his mother were crammed into a cattle car with other Jews and
sent to Auschwitz. The journey took 72 hours with no stops and no food. His
mother and brothers were murdered upon arriving in Auschwitz. Murray survived the
concentration camp, despite unbearable conditions and the death march lasting
many weeks.
As an orphaned teenager, he was sent to England, Ireland,
and ultimately America, where he began a new life. In New York, Murray worked
his way through college, graduating from Bernard Baruch College. Working many
early jobs in sales, he rose to lead several successful businesses in the
chemical industry settling in Atlanta and marrying, Sonia, the love of his life.
Murray was in his 60s before he could speak to folks outside
his family about his Holocaust experience. Once he did, he spoke to large
groups of all ages, ethnicities, and races throughout the world, spreading his
message of love, resilience, forgiveness, and determination with an overriding
objective of educating the masses on the horrors of hate, bigotry,
discrimination, and prejudice. His desire was to educate the world so another
tragedy anything close to what he and others experienced would never happen
Personally, I've never known a person with more humility, courage,
strength, and unselfishness as Murray Lynn. As a true victim physically,
emotionally, and in ways unimaginable to civilized humans, Murray never chose
to become a victim. He forgave his tormentors, and he sought a world of peace,
civility, love, and understanding. In 2015, The Bremen Museum produced a video,
Unconquered: Murray Lynn, narrated by former Atlanta Mayor and
United Nations Ambassador, Andrew Young. You may watch it by using this YouTube
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef3c8U2lgVo.
It's 37 minutes and well-worth the watch, the education, and the reality of
this horrible chapter of world history. Rest in peace, Murray! Prayers for your
family and loved ones. Thank you for being a special friend to me and to the
world. As an outstanding, authentic role model, your strong leadership and
positivity made a real difference on earth! Your legacy, values, and good works
will live and grow forever! Rest well in heaven, my friend. Jay